Duncan Bhaskaran Brown, Alcohol Awareness Expert, Oxford, England

 What should businesses do to ensure alcohol is not draining productivity? Duncan Bhaskaran Brown shares his view. CEO, Alc Aware, Alcohol Awareness Expert, Speaker, Author of "Real Men Quit" and "Get Over Indulgence".

Listen to "Duncan Bhaskaran Brown, Alcohol Awareness Expert, Oxford, England" on Spreaker.

John Hewitt, CEO Loyalty Brands, Hampton Roads, VA


Can everyone or anyone be an entrepreneur? John Hewitt, shares his view. CEO Loyalty Brands Inc. Using its experience in franchising to develop faster road to growth and success.

Listen to "John Hewitt, CEO Loyalty Brands, Hampton Roads, VA" on Spreaker.

Aesha Tahir, CEO, Tone Strengthen Wellness, Philadelphia, PA


What´s the connection between work stress and posture? Aesha Tahir shares her tips. CEO, Founder of Tone and Strenghten Wellness, a virtual fitness platform. An award-winning author, keynote speaker, corporate trainer, and columnist. Find her book "Unhunched:Discover Wellness Through Posture" on Amazon.

Listen to "Aesha Tahir, CEO, Tone Strengthen Wellness, Philadelphia, PA" on Spreaker.

Marty Fahncke, Growth Strategist Westboud Road, Louisburg, KS


When should an owner consider selling their business? Marty Fahncke shares his insight. Investor, world class marketer, expertise in Mergers & Aquisition, Growth Strategist at Westbound Road LLC.

Listen to "Marty Fahncke, Growth Strategist Westboud Road, Louisburg, KS" on Spreaker.

Greg Mohr, The Franchise Maven, Licking, MO


What are 3 mistakes to avoid when selecting a franchise? Greg Mohr, CEO, Founder, The Franchise Maven shares his expertise. Helpimg individuals and business owners navigate the complex workd of Franchising, Best-selling author, "Real Freedom".

Listen to "Greg Mohr, The Franchise Maven, Licking, MO" on Spreaker.

Philippa Gamse, Digital Marketing Strategist, Capitola, CA

 What are the most important metrics to follow? Philippa Gamse shares her insight. Owner and Chief Digital Marketing Strategist at Websites That Win International, provides digital marketing strategy and digital analytics consulting services. Get a free ebook "Five Hidden Digital Analytics Gems" at https://websitesthatwin.com

Listen to "Philippa Gamse, Digital Marketing Strategist, Capitola, CA" on Spreaker.

Geoff Weinstein, Lean Communication Coach, Burlington, ON, Canada


How important is Personal Branding in the field of communication? Geoff Weinstein shares his view. CEO Mainstream Communications, helping organizations simplify communications and boost productivity. Author "Buried Alive: Digging Your Way out to Clear Communication" Founder of "Lean Email: Beating the Inbox".

Listen to "Geoff Weinstein, Lean Communication Coach, Burlington, ON, Canada" on Spreaker.

Laura Bowers, CEO The PMO Boss, College Park, MD


Laura Bowers, CEO The PMO Boss shares tips on breathing life into lifeless teams and shares her "B.O.S.S. Method" for implementing project management and productivity hacks.

Listen to "Laura Bowers, CEO The PMO Boss, College Park, MD" on Spreaker.

Amanda Chocko, Sleep Coach, Author Relax Sleep Thrive, Holland, MI


What are typical sleep stealing traps? Amanda Chocko shares her insight, Sleep Coach, Nutritional Therapy Practicioner, Author of "Relax Sleep Thrive: Your 5-Week Journey to Peaceful, Restorative Sleep" available on Amazon.

Listen to "Amanda Chocko, Sleep Coach, Author Relax Sleep Thrive, Holland, MI" on Spreaker.

Blair Abee, Meditation Expert, Author, Poet, Vallejo, CA

The benefits of meditation and why it works the way it does. Blair Abee, author, poet,educator, consultant and ordinary mystic, shares his insight. 5 award winning books available on Amazon, articles on meditation and manifestation at https://www.hicmeditation.com

Listen to "Blair Abee, Meditation Expert, Author, Poet, Vallejo, CA" on Spreaker.

Denise Miceli, Subconscious Healing Expert, Sacramento, CA

 Effects of subconscious healing that are different from traditional therapy. Denise Miceli shares her insight. Denise facilitates transformative change, positive growth, expertise in energy healing, intuitive hot-seat coaching, innovative approaches to authenticity. Find more on TikTok.

Listen to "Denise Miceli, Subconscious Healing Expert, Sacramento, CA" on Spreaker.

Michele DeFilippo, Self Publishing Expert, Phoenix, AZ


What is the most critical decision an author must make when choosing to self-publish? Michele DeFilippo, shares her view. Self-Publishing Expert, Founder of 1106 Design, offering quality, integrity, transparency, and personal customer service to authors since 2001.

Listen to "Michele DeFilippo, Self Publishing Expert, Phoenix, AZ" on Spreaker.

Kevo Aregbe, Artist, Tattooing and Painting, Houston, Texas


How is Tattooing different than Painting? Kevo Aregbe, shares his view. Tattoo Professor, Artist, his art ranges from Literay Art, Performanc Art, Tattooing, and painting, highlighting racial dynamics and human experiences. Teaches art at Universities and is owner of a successful Tattoo Studio.

Find Kevoarts on TikTok and Instagram

Listen to "Kevo Aregbe, Artist, Tattooing and Painting, Houston, Texas" on Spreaker.

Ande Lyons, Don`t Be Caged By Your Age, Boston, MA

Ande Lyons shares why it´s important for senior citizens to stay engaged, connected, and learning new skills. Podcast Host of Don´t BeCaged By Your Age, , former startup mentor, serial Podcast, Livestream Host.

Listen to "Ande Lyons, Don`t Be Caged By Your Age, Boston, MA" on Spreaker.

Georgia Homsany, Author, You´re Not Lazy, Raleigh, North Carolina


Change your words to change your worth, Georgia Homsany, Author, shares why in her book "You´re Not Lazy" . A Corporate Wellness Coach, CEO, Daily Dose Wellness, Burnout & Mental Health Speaker. Find a copy at http://www.georgiahomsany.com

Listen to "Georgia Homsany, Author, You´re Not Lazy, Raleigh, North Carolina" on Spreaker.

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